Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cooking Games Galore!

Don't you just love playing Food Games over the net? Because I do, my friends and my sister were the ones who actually invited me to try Cooking Games. There are numerous sites that gives out Free Cooking Games downloads making it very accessible for people who likes playing online games or just plain games in the computer.
And I, who is not really a gaming person is now hooked unto playing burger shop games! Talk about my love for food and cooking eh!? nah, I just love the fast phase feature of the games that is why you'll see me playing during my me time. And yes, even my daughter loves watching me play though at times she also wants to fiddle with my keyboard!
Anyways, if you too loves to play games, cooking games I mean check out! Here are some of the games they have available for downloads! Super cute isn't!? love the Dora and Spongebob game!

Dora Cooking in La CucinaSpongebob Square Pants: Flip or FlopBurger RestaurantMagic BakingMake MacaroniStrawberry Shortcake


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