Friday, February 13, 2009

12 Weightless Tricks

From Em

* Switch one soda. Exchange one soda (diet or regular) that you drink every day for water. In one study, dieters who replaced almost all sweetened drinks with H2O lost an average of five pounds more than those who didn’t. Even limiting diet drinks can help, says Heather Bauer, RD, founder of Nu-Trin nutrition counseling center in New York City.

* Eat and run.
Before you reach for that candy bar, think about how far you need to run to burn those calories.

* Chew slowly. In a recent study, when the subjects were told to eat quickly, they ate 646 calories in nine minutes, but when they were encouraged to pause between bites and chew each mouthful 15 to 20 times, they took in just 579 calories in 29 minutes.

* Sleep.
Replacing one hour of “inactive” awake time with sleep can slash your calorie intake by about six percent, due to hormonal changes and simply by giving you fewer chances to eat, says recent research.

* Turn in a little hungry. Nighttime snacks can add up to 300 extra calories daily, says Julie Upton, RD. On a scale of one to 10, one being faint due to hunger and 10 being stuffed, go to bed at about six.

* Be a flextarian. Going meatless for at least two meals a week can help reduce the amount of saturated fat and calories you consume, says Bauer.

* Change your dressing. A salad is certainly virtuous — until you pour on the dressing. In fact, people can often get more fat and calories from dressings than any other food, says Bauer. Try the new salad dressing spritzers, which add flavor for just 10 calories.

* Leave a few bites behind. This equals about 100 calories, which is all you need to cut down from your daily diet to avoid gaining the one to two pounds most adults put on every year, says Jim Hill, PhD, co-founder of America on the Move.

* Go the extra mile. This will help you ward off weight gain. That’s just 2,000 steps (or about a walk around the block).

* Jump rope. This will up the calorie burn of your walking workout. Start by doing 20 jumps every five to 10 minutes.

* Sit in front of the TV … on a stability ball.
“It gets you to hold in your abdominal muscles, so you’re building strength and helping posture,” says Katie Duggan, MPH, manager of the Prevention Research Center at St. Louis University’s School of Public Health.
* Exercise while you e-mail. Sit upright and inhale deeply. As you exhale slowly, draw your lower abdominals in toward your spine. Hold them tight (while you take a few easy breaths) for as long as it takes you to write an e-mail.

Source: HERE


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