1. Which meal is the one you cook best?
:: Sinampalukang Manok :D
2. Tell us what you would never eat.
:: fish with sabaw
3. Is your hometown famous for anything or anybody?
:: yes! a lot of them actually.
4. Can you play a musical instrument?
:: nope. too dumb and stupid when it comes to music
5. Tell us about your second ever lover.
:: it's a collection of diet pills actually! lol
6. What is your favorite restaurant?
:: a lot of american and mexican restaurants actually
7. If it were your call, how often would you make love?
:: bwahahahaha! how many times?! :D
8. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
:: oprah
9. Tell us about your job.
:: I am so proud to say that I am a stay-at-home mom to my 2 kids.
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