Wednesday, December 17, 2008

quick break

I envy those who will have a grand holiday vacation this Christmas break. Actually, we also planned of going out of town on our anniversary but due to financial constricts, we opt not to. Maybe some other time, when we have spare moolah to splurge. But for the meantime, we might as well make the most of our holiday time together with the rest of our family, although we might do some nearby town trips but no reservation to famous and luxurious inns or the kind like cancun hotels. A day of sun and stroll around Tagaytay with some pig out feast at one of those deliscious restaurants will do. But one thing that I also would want to do is to have a day or two at the beach, but then again with the cold season right now, I think its impossible, its really freezing cold especially at night and it would mean a so-so celebration for us. So I guess a whole day of sun and family fun at Tagaytay then.


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